Category: literature

  • Peaks & Valleys

    Peaks & Valleys

    Last month, for the first time since February 2020, I boarded an airplane. The Delta variant had just started to kick up, but my backpacking friend and I took every possible precaution. We had booked campsites in advance as well as kayaking and boating expeditions. We used a rideshare app called Turo to book automobiles…

  • Ghost Ship

    Ghost Ship

    Though I’m doing other things with my life, I still sometimes have the sensation that my academic career plows onwards, like a ghost ship raided and abandoned by pirates. It’s a disembodied feeling, sort of like there’s a whole part of my body still on that boat, spinning the wheel and hoisting a sail, that…

  • “intersubjectivity”


    I’ve attended several virtual events this past year, and some have stuck with more more than others – those that have inspired me, or, alternatively, provoked me in uncomfortable ways that have continued to bother me or simply make me want to gag; as they say, if you see something, say something. So I am…

  • Experiential Reading

    Experiential Reading

    As the interregnum draws down to its last hours, a couple of things have happened. Aside from a country nearly turned upside-down, the year changed — which meant that a new WordPress theme came out: TwentyTwentyOne. I am someone who needs to know more intimately than not how it works. The other news is I’ve…

  • just passing through

    just passing through

    I recently attended an online conference that was enormous, but the online format at this time allowed for a much more paced digestion of the content and general exposure. The experience has been valuable in understanding more about the structure of the field and academia, the current questions and the work being done. Some of…

  • Coviding


    What a time to be alive. For me covid days have meant looking longer and harder at things both outwards and inwards. The collective pause has brought a space to stand back into, to assess in ways one usually reserves for the change of year either annually or personally. When covid started, I was embarking…

  • Renaissance – maybe.

    Renaissance – maybe.

    For better or worse (I think largely better) the covid-19 interval has spurred such a plentiful offering of online arts, cultural, and intellectual events. For someone like me who exists on some plane outside of large institutions but who holds interest and curiosity, and who is also in an active phase of attempted self-integration and…